Industrial Waste Bins > “A” Frame Hook Bins > 8.0m³ “A” Frame Hook Bin with Tarp

Hook Bins, RoRo Bins or ”A” Frame Bins are, by definition, all the same, these bins are used in a vast array of applications ranging from building sites to recycling organisations. they have the ability to safely hold a vast amount of product, and, when required, be relocated either to recycling plants or landfill.
Designs range from simple box construction through to self supported radiused sides, all bins have a PFC 230 x 75 parallel frame that the bin is built on and around this design parameter is dictated because of the truck loading system employed in Australia.
The “A” frame name is derived from the design of the front lifting bar PFC frame that is constructed into a “A” on the front of the bin.
All Flow Force constructed Bins are fully weld inside and out.

Features found on all Hook Bins include but not limited to:-
1. Rear Fabricated steel wheels to allow free rolling access when picking up or lowering the bin.
2. All bins are fitted with a side open full access rear door.
3. The multi latching lock system on all rear doors.
4. Tarp ties down rail running the full length and rear of the bin.
5. The standard finish applied to the product is enamel paint.
6. Structural design and material selection of these units are in accordance with AS2359.1.
7. Welded fabrication of the product is in accordance with AS 1554.1 SP.

Options include:-
1. Mechanical operator tarps.
2. 2 Pac paint finish.
3. Fully rubber sealed rear door,(for liquid waste.)
4. Electrically operated augers for even waste displacement.
5. Ultra sonic level detection.
6. Fully in closed units with chutes.